Category: Announcement
FIDE Online Olympiad 2021 – Qualified Players are Invited to Apply (Closing Date: 23rd July)
With the pandemic continuing into its 4th wave in most countries around the world resulting in many major over-the-board events continue to be postponed or cancelled, FIDE announces its intention to proceed with the 2nd edition of the Online Olympiad scheduled to be held starting in August 2021. In the first edition that was organized…
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
The President and Committee Members of Persekutuan Catur Malaysia – the Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF), wishes all Muslims and all Malaysians – Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha. #staysafe #stayhome #togetherwecan
Federal Territory Online Chess Festival 2021 – July to September 2021
With the on again-off again MCO enforcement continuing in much of Malaysia, the Malaysian Chess federation has decided to cancel the Over-The-Board FT Classical Chess Championship and opt for the more practical Online mode. The event is now called the FT Online Chess Festival 2021 which will run for 6 weeks from 31st July 2021…
ASIAN Schools Chess Championship 2021 – 84 players selected
It was a daunting task as the Selection Committee had to evaluate more than 170 junior applicants who are eager to don National colors to the ASIAN School Chess Championships 2021 to be held later this month via Online platform. With a very tight dateline to meet, the Malaysian Chess Federations are still waiting for…
Sad Ending for Malaysian Pair But Well Deserved Congratulations!
According to FIDE World Cup history, even some Grandmasters were not able to pass through the first round of the World Cup and with that, while the effort was valiant, our Malaysian pair of FM Sumant Subramaniam and WIM Puteri Munajjah Az-Zahraa can hold their head high for having put up their best effort at…
Munajjah drew her first round game with Spain WGM Matnadze
It was a good start for WIM Puteri Munajjah Az Zahraa who was able to hold her own and secured a first round draw against her much higher rated opponent – Spain’s WGM Ana Matnadze It was a nail biting finish that took more than 4 hours to complete and in the end, despite having…
XTiv Series Ended with the conclusion of Series 4
The Selangor Xtiv Virtual Chess Series which started in April 2021 ended yesterday at the conclusion of Series 4. Throughout the event series, more than 2,000 players from all over Malaysia, including from India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, took part in the Rapid event which were separated into 4 playing categories – Open, Women, U18…
Selangor XTiv Series Coming to a Conclusion this weekend…
The Selangor XTiv Series is coming to a conclusion this weekend with the final Series 4 to be held on both coming Saturday and Sunday. Throughout the duration of the event, more than 2,000 players have signed up for weekend series – some even took the trouble to play in all 4 categories with none…
All The Best FM Sumant – and HOD Muhd Firdaus
Malaysia’s Men’s player to the FIDE World Cup 2021 – FM Sumant Subramaniam, departed earlier today together with Head of Delegate – Muhammad Firdaus Ismail, en route to Sochi via Doha and Moscow. FM Sumant is in high spirit and looking forward to his first round encounter with GM Sevian of US on 12th July…
Malaysia’s Representative to the FIDE Online Cadets & Youth Rapid World Cup 2021
With more than 70 applications received from interested players (and parents) to be represent Malaysia at the upcoming FIDE Online Cadets & Youth Rapid World Cup 2021, it was tough to decide on the 30 most capable juniors for the task. After careful consideration, 28 players were selected – instead of 30, as only a…