The MCF Selection Committee – headed by Vice President NM Yeoh Chin Seng, has come up with a merit point system as the method and basis for players to be selected and/or apply to represent Malaysia in official FIDE/ASIAN/ASEAN events. While a few selected World level events will still be offered to deserving National level championship winners as direct qualification (such as MCC, NYCC, etc.), players’ selection for many of the other International events will be predominantly based on the newly designed and approved CMP system. In short, having a high FIDE rating points alone will not be enough to secure a player’s position when applying to represent Malaysia at International events as their activeness in the last 24 months, and their performance in events will also be calculated as part of their merit qualification.

Champions who have earned a direct ticket to represent Malaysia but decline to take up the offer, their seats will then be opened to those who wishes to apply and their CMP will be calculated as a mean to select the rightful replacement, and/or if the replacement is worthy enough for a place, before they are being offered to don our National colours.
Kindly watch the video below to further understand the working mechanism of the CMP system, and how the points are calculated.
You can download the Excel Sheet below and check out your own CMP score to see how you fare against others.
For inquiries or clarification on the CMP system, please write to with copies made to and
Any update will be reflected at