With 2 more days to go before registration closes, players who are interested to play in the tournament are advised to sign up early to avoid disappointment of not having the chance to play in MASUM Open 2021.

Organized by the Majlis Sukan Universiti Malaysia (MASUM – Malaysian Universities Sports Council) and scheduled for Saturday, 30th October 2021, the number of players registering for the event is gradually picking up pace. With more than RM 10,000 of cash prizes offered, this is one event that avid chess player should not miss playing.

Open to all players – Malaysians or otherwise, the event will be played online via TORNELO platform hence, players are reminded to sign up for a Tornelo ID prior to registering for the event.
Come and sign up quick! Closing date to sign up is 20th October 2021. Please click on the following registration link in order to sign up for the event: https://mylink.la/masumchessonline2021
#masumopen2021 #chess4all #staysafe #stayhome