4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities

Organized by Dresdner Schachfestival e.V. of Germany and FIDE, the 4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities is set to be held from 4th November to 14th November 2021 via the Tornelo Online platform. Contested over 9 Round Swiss with a time control of 45 minutes + 30 seconds, the 4th edition is Open to all Chess Players with Disabilities from all over the World.

Malaysians who are interested to join this World level event is requested to read the Rules and Regulations appended below prior to registering with MCF for the event

Once you have understood the requirements, please click the FOLLOWING LINK to allow MCF to proceed registering and submitting your name to the Organizer/FIDE. Please make sure that you have a scanned copy of your IC/Passport – to confirm your Malaysian status, a passport size photograph and a scan copy of your Disability Card handy when completing your registration.

Closing date to register with MCF is Friday, 29th October 2021

While there is no indication of any entry or regulation fees imposed, participants need to be mindful that they would need to complete the necessary payment if at all it is required. Do also take note that the Organizers and FIDE may change the time control and schedule to suit the necessary format of play.

For further clarification, please click on the following FIDE link at https://fide.com/news/1378 or go directly to the Organizer’s website at https://www.schachfestival.de/ to learn more about the event. You can also write to mcfseretariat@malaysiachess.org if you need assistance on the matter.

MCF hopes that many Malaysian Para Chess Athlete will take part in this event as we continue with our effort to popularize chess as a sports of choice for Malaysia and Malaysians.

#malaysiaboleh #staysafe #togetherwecan #chess4all