CONGRATULATIONS! Malaysia’s Loo Pin Xie is FIDE 1st Junior U20 Online Chess Champion

The Malaysian Chess Federation is proud to inform that our very own Loo Pin Xie of Penang has been crowned as FIDE 1st Online Junior U20 Cup for Players with Disabilities after scoring a perfect 5 points out of 5 games, beating 37 other contenders from 16 countries from all over the world. CONGRATULATIONS LOO PIN XIE – you have made our Malaysian chess community, and all Malaysians very proud of your achievement!!! Pin Xie edged Chilean player Rozas Lazcano Valeska by half point to secure the top spot, and another Chilean player Tapia Loncon Andres Saul came in 3rd with 4 points. At the start of the event, Loo Pin Xie was seeded 7th, with Russia’s FM Lipilin Ilia leading the pack as the 1st seeded player followed by Philippines Tellor Max Dave and Germany’s Scheffner Jarno in 2nd and 3rd seed respectively.

The Junior Online Chess Tournament started on a rocky note with a few technical glitches and challenges requiring the organizer to switch the playing rooms immediately after Round 1 concluded. Initially scheduled to start Round 1 at 8:00pm, the event was delayed by more than an hour and a longer break was experienced between Round 1 and Round 2 as the organizer migrated the tournament room to create a new one.

The inaugural event saw a very positive showing from five (5) Malaysians who had participated in the event. Aside from Penangite Loo Pin Xie, Melaka’s Amirul Shahmie Sharulizam (seeded 14th) finished in 17th placing with 2.5 points, followed by Johor’s Lim Yee Jin (seeded 25th) in 22nd place with 2 points. Two more representatives from Melaka – Amirul Iman Amiruddin (seeded 22nd) and Ahmad Falah Md Tohid (seeded 33rd) completed the event at 35th and 30th placement respectively.

The event concluded at 2:00am local Malaysian time but the final tally was only announced a few hours later as the organizers merged results from the earlier Round 1 with the remaining Rounds 2 to 5 from the different tournament rooms. The full view of the tournament tables and results can be found at

The Malaysian Chess Federation would like to thank all the support it receives from the parents and families of the players, with special thanks to Mr Khairi Jansar – President of the Melaka Chess Association for his support in getting the Melaka players to participate in the event, MCF Asst Secretary Mr Iwan Schani, MCF VPs – Mr Yeoh Chin Seng and Madam See Swee Sie, and most importantly – to all the 5 players, for a GREAT GREAT showing, support and patience having to go through the technical difficulties, and finishing the event at the wee hours of the night. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!!


1st Online FIDE Junior U20 Cup for Players with Disabilities