Since its introduction in March 2019, the Malaysian Chess Federation Selection Committee has been relying on the CMP (Current Merit Points) Performance System to select players to represent the country in various International and Regional Tournaments. While the decision may not depend solely on the report, the CMP data provides a more learned and holistic review of a player’s current performance which allows MCF to select and/or nominate the best and most active players to represent the country.
The system has since been upgraded and automated where players would only need to key in their FIDE ID to find out how they have performed in the tournaments that they have entered. For FIDE Rated Tournaments, the system will take the tournament data from the FIDE official website whereas, for all other tournaments, the data will be taken from the website.
There are 2 basic types of reports that the CMP System is able to generate which are the CMP Basic Report – based on predominantly FIDE Rated events, and the CMP MCO Report – based mostly on MCF events and includes both Online and Physical events.
If players are interested to know how they have performed in recent tournaments that they have participated in, please click on the THIS LINK and test the output of the result. While players do not need to generate the report when submitting an application to represent the country, the hope is that each player within the community is able to monitor their performance by using the same tool that is being used and developed by MCF.