While the automatic slots have been offered to the winner of the age group NYCC 2020 events held in June, a few slots have remained unfilled as some players had to decline the offer. That said, MCF is looking for official players to apply for the U16 (Girls), U10 (Open/Boys and Girls) and the U8 (Open/Boys) slots to be filled by players who are interested to vie for the spots.

The places that have been filled by NYCC Champions for the event are:
1) U18 Open: Yeoh Yuan Hui
2) U18 Girls: Ain Insyirah Rosli
3) U16 Open: Sharly Hakimy Bin Hamdan
4) U14 Open: Nirish Kumar Siva Kumar
5) U14 Girls : Farihah Nur Aisyah Mohd Azman
6) U12 boys: Kavin Mohan
7) U12 Girls: Ashwiniy Kumaran
8) U8 girls: Al-Baaqiyatus Solehah Umair
At the same time, MCF is also opening applications for Additional Players who want to have a go at the event by entering as Additional Players endorsed by the Federation. While Official players will get free accommodation provided by the organizer, additional players will have to pay for their own accommodation to attend the event. All other costs such as flights, entry fees, registration fees, MCF admin fees, and any other fees imposed are to be managed by the players themselves. Accompanying persons such as parents or coaches who are interested to be with their respective children are also required to pay the registration fees and accommodation at the event official hotel, plus flight tickets to Bali.
With Bali only 3 hours away from KLIA, and the island being one of the more popular tourist spots around the region, many parents may want to opt for the “chess and holiday” package for their family while their child enjoys playing in one of ASIAN premier chess event for children which will be attended by many Asian chess powerhouse countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Iran, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and host Indonesia.
For more information on the event, please download the following brochure which will explain the event format, fees, hotel rates and schedule.
Those who are interested to apply are requested to register at our official registration website by clicking the FOLLOWING LINK and submit the form together with a non-refundable fee of RM20 before 21st August 2022. All applications (officials or otherwise) will be informed of the decision before 31st August 2022 with all payments to be completed before 10th September 2022.