The Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) has set its AGM (Annual General Meeting) for 2021 to be held this coming Saturday, 4th December 2021 from 8:30pm until about 11:30pm via online platform. Due to the unsettling matters regarding COVID19 situation, MCF has decided to take the more precautionary steps of conducting an online meeting rather than the full physical meeting to ensure that the safety and well being of attendees are maintained.

As of 28th November 2021, the following states have confirmed their attendance with each state to be represented by the required three (3) delegates:
1) Johor
2) Kedah
3) Melaka
4) Pahang
5) Perak
6) Perlis (Pending official submission via email)
7) Pulau Pinang
8) Sabah
9) Sarawak
10) Selangor
11) Terengganu (Pending official submission via email)
12) WP Kuala Lumpur
This year’s AGM will not bring about the election process of new office bearers as MCF has decided to postpone the session to 2022 – with permission from COS obtained, again due to the fact that the AGM will be conducted via online application.
Nonetheless the usual agenda for the meeting will see the committee presenting its 2020 Financial Report, 2020 Activity Report and Minutes of Meeting, and other matters brought about by the delegates.
The President and the MCF Committee welcomes everyone to the AGM and hope that the discussion and meeting will brought about new inputs and feedbacks (and comments) on how the Federation, the affiliates, and the community, can move forward to be more productive, efficient and progress in the years to come.