The ASIAN Chess Federation will organize the Asian Zonal 3.3 Chess Championship 2021 starting from 1st May to 9th May 2021 with 9 rounds of play – 1 round per day. The event will be contested via Hybrid mode where players will be playing chess online from a Hybrid Center in their respective country and monitored by appointed Arbiters. For those who have participated in MCF Hybrid events before, the setup is similar except that the event is now being elevated to International FIDE rating status.
Some of the rules for the event is that each Hybrid Center must have a minimum of 5 players and only players with a Standard FIDE Rating of 1900 and above are allowed to play. Each country can send as many players as they can provided that the 5 minimum players per center is achieved.

As the cost of the Hybrid Centers and Arbiters for the event is not covered by the Organizer, players who intend to play will have to share the load to cover the cost which is estimated to be around RM 1,500 per person – excluding the entry fees of USD100 per player. Taking into account that in previous similar events where player has to travel to nearby countries to play and the cost of board and lodging to stay during the event, the estimated cost of RM 1,500 can be further reduced with more players playing.
MCF intends to assign three (3) of its Hybrid Centers as the official host for the event i.e. One(1) in Penang and Two(2) in Kuala Lumpur, but as we get more and more interested players to play, more centers can be opened but subject to Arbiter’s availability (at least an IA or FA) and number of interested players to play.
For now, MCF would like to gauge the interest from the general public and for those who are interested to play, please send an email to and provide the following details:
1. Name of Player
2. Phone Number / Whatsapp Number
4. FIDE Standard Rating
5. Which City Player would like to play from (preferably KL or Penang)
Please submit intention or interest to MCF on or before Friday, 9th April 2021 by 10:00pm
Once MCF has a better understanding of the situation, and number of players who are interested to play, the cost per person/player, may reduced drastically.
Looking forward to receive support from all involved.