Announcement: The correct email to forward the application is mcfselection@malaysiachess.org and mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org and NOT .com . The error is regretted.
The Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) has received an invitation from the ASIAN Chess Federation (ACF) to send a Men and a Women teams to the upcoming 2020 ASIAN Online Nations Chess Cup to be held between 10th October and 25th October 2020. The online event is open only to ASIAN countries with each nation to field a minimum of 4 players and 1 reserve (for each Men/Women team) to play in the fortnight long event.
The Malaysian Chess Federation hereby invites Malaysian players who are interested to be a part of the National Team so submit their application to the MCF Selection Committee (mcfselection@malaysiachess.org) and MCF Secretariat (mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org) on or before 20th September 2020 by filling up the following forms. Please click on the link provided to download the forms.
Players who have previously participated in any FIDE or MCF online events are requested to provide a summary of their performances in these events as additional information for their application to be considered. Should there is a need to conduct a playoff to select the final team, the playoff is tentatively scheduled to be held on 26th and 27th September 2020. The format and time control for the playoff will only be finalized based on the number of applications received by the Selection Committee.
Players who wish to learn more about the event, please click HERE to download the event prospectus.