MCF wishes all the best to our Malaysian Open and Women teams that will be taking part at the upcoming 45th FIDE World Chess Olympiad to be held in Budapest, Hungary starting tomorrow until the 22nd of September 2024. With the Budapest Olympic Sports and Conference Centre marked as the official venue for the event, the Malaysian Open Team is ranked 102nd out of 197 teams with the Women’s Team ranked 70th out of 184 teams taking part.
During the sending off at KLIA yesterday, the squad was also joined by President Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, Secretary Najib Abdul Wahab and MISI Founder Nur Ahmad Faiz Mohd Azmi who sponsored the Olympiad Team with an official MISI Jacket. This would be MISI’s initial gesture as there will be more talks with regards to a potential collaboration between MCF and MISI in the very near future to help kick start exciting venture and programs for improvement.