Month: January 2022
Winner Blitz Q4 2021 Announced!
With many Over-The-Boards beginning to make a return to color the Malaysian chess landscape, it was a challenge to get players to sign up for the MCF Blitz Q4 which was scheduled – strangely enough, on the 1st day of 2022. Only 43 players took up the challenge but as the saying goes – the…
Approved Events by MCF – Please comply with SOP
With relaxation provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the National Security Council, many chess organiser have now begun to organize Over-The-Board events. Nonetheless, the need to comply with the SOPs enforced by the relevant government authorities is still a requirement. Hence, organizers are requested to register their event with the Ministry or…
The President and Committee Members of the Malaysian Chess Federation wishes everyone A HAPPY NEW YEAR!