SUKMA 2024 – And the event begins to take shape

MCF Task Force for SUKMA met with officials from MSN yesterday to discuss on the event format that will be used for SUKMA in Sarawak next year. Attending the meeting was En Azwan Azmi, En Safwan, En Azman and Puan Emilia from MSN together with MCF DP1 – Dr Zaidan Zulkipli, VP1 – Muhammad Firdaus Ismail and Secretary – Najib Abdul Wahab.

Preliminary discussion involves the types and discipline of event that will be contested in Sarawak, and the total number of players that a contingent can field.

Meeting of the round tables

While the final format has not been agreed and approved, the current proposal is to have all three playing disciplines – Standard, Rapid and Blitz, to be contested for both Men and Women events, and also for Individual and Team events as well.

Chess in SUKMA – a historical feat for chess in Malaysia.

The discussion also agree that 10 gold medals will be up for grabs but the final medals offered will be made know within the next couple of weeks.

MCF also took note that a couple of State Sports Council have already approached their respective State Chess Association to draw up plans on how to manage their chess contingent for next year’s national sports fiesta. As chess begins its maiden appearance at SUKMA, more opportunities will open up for chess to flourish and grow in the immediate future.