Selangor XTiv Virtual Chess 2021 – Non Selangor now ALLOWED to enter FINAL!

After much discussion and appeal from the many chess enthusiast regarding the Selangor XTiv Virtual Chess series, it has been decided that Non Selangorians are now allowed to be selected/invited to play in the final of the exclusive first ever Chess Knockout System for the top 32 Grand Prix point earners. With no limits as to the number of categories a player can enter, and with a RM 1,000 awaits the winner of the Grand Prix for each of the category offered, a Junior players who can perform well will have the opportunity to bag more than RM 1,000 during the GP final week.

For now, the series are open to both locals and players from overseas (provided the number of participants does not exceed the limit – and players agree to set up camera and enter zoom), the Finals are still limited to Malaysians who are residing in Malaysia only. There is also a possibility that the finals will be conducted via Over-The-Board format as such, players may be required to attend the final events to be staged in August at a venue that will be announced later.

As of now, more than 300 players have signed up for the 4 categories that are being contested with 2 more weeks to go before the closing date. There is no entry fees imposed and the winner of each category stands to win RM250 for the effort.

Come and join us!

#staysafe #togetherwecan