While the response from our country’s small but active chess paralympians to sign up as FIDE registered players have been very encouraging, the effort to increase the numbers will continue for at least another week until the campaign ceases. With one more week to go before FIDE closes all entries to register and participate in the Online Olympiad, MCF is calling interested para chess players to write in to MCF before 12:00noon on Friday, 16th October 2020, to voice their interest to be a part of our National squad to the World level event
For those who have written before, please resubmit your application (by resending the same email which was sent earlier) to confirm your interest to be part of the team. In order to participate in the Olympiad, each team must have 4 main players with at least 1 female player, and up to 4 reserve players. While MCF would like to send as many teams possible to the event – each country can submit a maximum of 4 teams, the need to balance the players (and the female representative) must also be considered.
Once the names of all interested players have been received, MCF will conduct a selection tournament on Sunday, 18th October 2020, to identify and divide the players into the separate teams. If there are less than 8 players applying (with at least 1 female player), then only 1 team will be sent to the Olympiad.
To register as a National representative to the Online Olympiad for People with Disabilities, please download the following form by clicking HERE and return the completed form to mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org with copies to mcfselection@malaysiachess.org and inquiries@malaysiachess.org.
For a list of our Malaysian Para Chess who have registered as FIDE Registered players, please visit FIDE website by clicking HERE. The list will be updated again as MCF has just sent a new listing to FIDE earlier this week. For now, the list has 22 names with another 15 names to be added soon. MCF strives to have at least 80-100 names of chess Paralympians registered on FIDE website.
The Malaysian Chess Federation looks forward to have our National Team at the Olympiad and hope to have encouraging responses from our Para Chess Community.
#chessforall #MalaysiaBoleh #staysafe #stayhome #kitajagakita