National Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship – Updates

Players who have signed up for the National Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship 2021 to be held later during the Xmas break, are requested to check their names as per the list provided in

For the Rapid event, the listing can be found at:

For the Blitz event, the listing can be found at:

Those whose name is missing or incorrect, please contact

On the same, the organizing committee are also looking for National Arbiters/Trainee Arbiters who are interested to be part of the event in order to gain experience as qualified Arbiters. Interested Arbiters are requested to contact if they are interested to be assigned as Arbiters.

The Chief Arbiter for the event will be FA Kaber Azzad Mohd Kassim with NA Ellie Emira Syamimi Ahmad Nazari acting as the Deputy Arbtier. Tournament Director for the event shall be FA Najib Abdul Wahab who is also the MCF Honorary Secretary.