In response to FIDE’s updated Financial Rules which outlines new charges to organize Rated events, MCF is also introducing its new rates for organizers who are interested to run FIDE Rated events starting from 1st April 2022
To attract more OTB events post COVID19 to be organized by local organizers, the rates for 2022 have been set at the minimum rate of RM3 per player but starting 1st Jan 2023, the rates will increase to RM10 per player following FIDE ‘s full rate. The rate for each event organized will remain the same throughout regardless whether it is a classical, rapid or blitz event

In short, organizers keen to run a FIDE Rated event are required to submit their FIDE Event application together with an event fee of RM200 (for State Affiliate) or RM300 (for non-State Affiliate), and the full payment of the number of player entries expected. Simply put, an independent organizer who anticipates 100 players to join his/her FIDE Rated Rapid event, would need to pay RM300 (as event fees) plus RM 300 (as players fees – RM3 per player for 2022) when submitting their FIDE Event application
Once the event is completed, Organizer must top up additional funds – if the number of players exceeded the anticipated numbers, before MCF can submit the Rating report to FIDE. Based on the example above, if the organizer managed to get 150 players, an additional payment of RM150 (RM3 x 50 players) must be submitted together with the Swiss Manager file to MCF no later than 4 days after the event concludes for the event to be submitted to FIDE for rating purposes. Failure to do so means that MCF will not submit the report to FIDE and the organizer will lose their Rating Fees with NO REFUND given or entertained. The application to run a FIDE Rated event must be submitted to MCF Secretariat at least 6 weeks before the tournament is scheduled to start.
For a FIDE Rated event, the Chief Arbiter and/or the Deputy Arbiter must be an IA (International Arbiter) or FA (FIDE Arbiter). An NA is allowed to be the Chief Arbiter provided there is a supervising IA or FA helping him/her to manage the event.
MCF would like to remind that organizers who have pending payment due to MCF, must first clear their payment status before any approval can be given for them to run a FIDE Rated event. On the same, the Chief Arbiter and the Deputy Arbiter must also be in good standing with the Federation and have no outstanding payment due before the event can be approved.
Organizers are advised to use the following documents when submitting their event to be considered for FIDE Rating purposes:
1. Application Form – FIDE Event
2. Application Form – Event Details
Let’s make 2022 a successful Chess Year for Malaysia!
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