From 24-25 March 2019 a National Arbiters’ Seminar was organized in Kelantan by the Majlis Sukan Sukan Negeri Kelantan under the auspices of Persatuan Catur Negeri Kelantan and Malaysia Chess Federation.PT Catur Kelantan Cikgu Nik Azrihan Abdul Ghafar together with PCNK President Cikgu Mohd Azizul Mat Daud is the key person behind this event.
The venue of the Seminar was at Bilik Seminar, Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kuala Krai, Kelantan.
The Lecturer was IA Abd Hamid Majid (MAS), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer was FA Emran Mohd Tamil (MAS). The language of the Seminar was English and Malay.
Twenty five (25) Arbiters from Kelantan and also from all over Malaysia participated in the Seminar and all of them participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.
The following names succeeded in the test and they can now use the qualification to apply for National Arbiter license after being an arbiter in at least two events. Details on how to apply for NA license can be obtained from the following post
- Adillah binti Mansor
- Akmal Zunurain bin Rizal
- Baharuddin Hamzah
- Gooi Soon Ai
- Hamka bin Handan
- Haslina binti Mohd Noor
- Haziz bin Harun
- Jismi bin Jemani
- Majidah binti Idris
- Md Jasuari bin Hamzah
- Mohd Azizul bin Mat Daud
- Mohd Ghazali bin Ab Rasid @ Zakaria
- Mohd Hafiz bin Ismail
- Mohd Samizi bin Abdul Rahman
- Mohd Shahril bin Mohd Sakri
- Mohd Yusof bin Saleh
- Muhammad Nur Irsyad bin Mior Isa
- Noor Hidayu binti Mat Hussin
- Nur Hafiza bin Shaari
- Nurul Izzati binti Mior Isa
- Saiful Akramin bin Mohd Nor
- Tor Phi Yang
- Wan Rozuhan bin Wan Setapa
- Yusfarizal bin Yusoff
- Zailani bin Awang @ Baharuddin