MCF President – Akhramsyah Sanusi and Secretary – Najib Wahab, made a short courtesy visit to the office of YB Dato’ Sri Edmund Santhara, Deputy Minister for Federal Territories at his office in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 22nd July 2020. The visit was to seek the Ministry’s support in helping the Federation to kick start some of its event that has been severely impacted due to the COVID19 pandemic.
For many chess players and enthusiasts, YB Dato’ Sri Edmund is no stranger to the community having held the post of Deputy President during Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib second terms as MCF President in 2013. YB Dato’ Sri Edmund was also one of the earlier pioneer who had setup the Kuala Lumpur Chess Association more than a decade ago, and was the main person behind the success of the KLCA Open International series at the turn of the decade. While he admits that chess is no longer his priority for the time being, YB Dato’ Sri did provide a hint that he may toy with the idea of reviving the KLCA Open for another 5 year run.

MCF looks forward to once again work and collaborate with YB Dato’ Sri Edmund Santhara and the Ministry of Federal Territories in the immediate future to restart and revive chess activities post COVID19 in Malaysia.
Thank you YB Dato Sri Edmund Santhara
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