The Q1 MCF Blitz is attracting some of the best players in the nation led by former National Champions NM Evan Capel and FM Wong Yinn Long, Malaysia’s Junior players FM Rohan Shan Tze Navaratnam and FM Lye Lik Zang, Senior players Abdullah Che Hassan and Nik Ahmad Farouqi. Other notable players include WCM Nithyalakshmi Sivanesan, Mirza Irdina Muzamil, Chan Sheng Yip, Norazlin Juarih and Loo Pin Xie.

Played using the usual Tornelo Platform for many MCF events, the event will contribute towards the revived Malaysian Chess Rating Point System which is expected to be rolled out sometime this year.
The 11 round event with a time control of 5 minutes to finish, will start at 3:00pm with Round 1, and is expected to conclude by 6:00pm. All the best to everyone!!