And more NA Titles awarded….
Eight (8) more Malaysian Arbiters have been awarded the title of National Arbiters by FIDE as of 9th January 2023. The arbiters are:

The Malaysian Chess Federation has also submitted to FIDE one (1) name for International Arbiter, and six (6) names for the title of FIDE Arbiter – including one which is yet to be confirmed. For the International Arbiter title – if approved, she will be the first Woman (and the youngest) IA in Malaysia in the form of Ellie Emira Syamimi Ahmad Nazari. The soon-to-be IA Ellie is very active in the local and regional circuit and is definitely no stranger to the local chess community.
The FA’s in waiting for their titles to be hopefully approved are Muhammad Harris Imran (Pahang), Manogiri Sadasivam (Selangor), Selvi Shanmugam (Selangor), husband and wife pair of Mohd Nurul Izani Mohd Asri and Sendy Yanty Syaman (both from Putrajaya), and Muhd Saiful Asyraf Ahmad (Penang). MCF is hopeful that all names will be approved by FIDE during the first Quarter of the Presidential Board, and confirmed by April 2023
At the moment in Malaysia, we have 20 International Arbiters (9 are inactive), 30 FIDE Arbiters (4 are inactive), and 232 National Arbiters – not including the 8 names mentioned above. However, the actual list of arbiters may differ slightly as some Arbiters are unable to be traced as such, updates from the general public are greatly appreciated to maintain a more current listing.
The list of Arbiters in Malaysia as of 2nd January 2023 can be uploaded using the link below.