With many Over-The-Boards beginning to make a return to color the Malaysian chess landscape, it was a challenge to get players to sign up for the MCF Blitz Q4 which was scheduled – strangely enough, on the 1st day of 2022. Only 43 players took up the challenge but as the saying goes – the show must go on!
After the smoke cleared, Rohan Shan Tze Navaratnam came up as the event champion with Ernest Yek in second place and Lai Hong Jun rounding up the podium spots. The full list of winners is as indicated below

Please allow between 2-3 weeks for the prize fund to be transferred otherwise, please contact mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org should you not receive any payment by then.
Congratulations to all the winners!
MCF Online Blitz series for 2022 will continue with the Q1 event scheduled sometime in the last week of March. Be on the lookout!
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