CLOSING DATE TO APPLY is 26th SEPTEMBER 2021 before 11:59pm
Another Asian level online tournament for Junior players and this time around, it is organized by the All India Chess Federation together with Asian Chess Federation and sanctioned by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). A step up in terms of playing level, the ASIAN YOUTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 is scheduled to take place between 22nd and 24th October for the Girls and 29th to 31st October for the Boys category. All countries within Asia which will include chess power houses like India, Iran, China, Uzbekistan, and many other strong Middle East countries, are invited to send players to participate in the event that are divided into 6 age categories for both Boys and Girls which are Boys/Girls U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18.

Similar to the Eastern Asian Youth Chess Championship, players who are interested to play is almost certain to be included in the event as there is no limit to the number of participants from a country as long as the registration is done through a player’s respective national Federation.
Malaysian players who are interested to play in this ASIAN level chess championship are requested to download and read the following documentation to understand more about the events before signing up.
Similar to previous requirements, those who are interested to take part must fill up the registration form and include a payment of RM260 to be banked into MCF Account – PERSEKUTUAN CATUR MALAYSIA (CIMB 8000649725). The entry fees imposed by the organizer is USD 50, with the balance to be used as MCF Admin fees to submit, prepare and organize the team including appointing the necessary HODs/Team Managers to manage the team before and during the tournament.
If the terms and conditions are agreeable, please CLICK HERE to PROCEED WITH THE EVENT REGISTRATION for the event. Closing date to register is this Sunday, 26th September 2021 before 11:59 pm. Please ensure that all information and details are included in the registration form, and for those requiring FIDE ID, please do so before you register as we will not entertain players without an ID.
While many players may see this event as an opportunity to pit their wits and ability against some of the best Junior players in Asia – and the world, parents and players are to take note that MCF reserves the right to limit or reject entries as and when it sees necessary.
Looking forward to have many more Malaysian to participate in the event.
#staysafe #stayhome #chess4all