In July 2020, the ASIAN CHESS FEDERATION (ACF) organized the Asian Online Chess Camp for Girls U20 which was attended by two of our Malaysian chess players. And now, ACF is organizing a similar event for the boys and have invited the Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) to send two (2) U-20 boys to attend the Online Chess Camp starting form 1st to 9th December 2020.
Some of the more prominent speakers at the camp will be former World Champion GM Anatoly Karpov, renown Trainer and Author Germany’s GM Artur Yusupov, and another famous Trainer and Author GM Alexei Dreev of Russia. The full schedule for the Camp can be downloaded by clicking HERE.
Those who are interested to apply for the Chess Camp are required to fill up the following CMP form (by clicking HERE), and send the completed form via email to mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org, mcfselection@malaysiachess.org and drziner@gmail.com on or before 27th November 2020 together with a proof of payment of RM 20 (as processing fees) to be credited to MCF account (PERSEKUTUAN CATUR MALAYSIA – CIMB Acc: 8000649725). Applicants are also required to write a one/two paragraphs in their email as to why the Malaysian Chess Federation should select them for the Online Chess Camp, and outline some of their notable chess achievement (or other achievement – where relevant) since 2018.
The successful candidate will be announced on 28th November 2020 for MCF to complete the Registration process with ACF, and to furnish the Online Camp link with the selected players.
CLOSING DATE: 11:59pm – 27th November 2020.