The Hybrid events concept has been in existence for more than a year now, and although FIDE allows for it to be FIDE rated, organizers continue to face challenges in getting Hybrid events to be approved for rating. While FIDE allows for National level Hybrid events to be FIDE rated – such us our very own MCF-KUPTM National event which was completed in April earlier this year, International level events continue to experience challenges to earn the same recognition. But this did not stop the Asian Chess Federation to continue its effort in making International Hybrid events to be FIDE Rated, and the ASIAN Academies Hybrid Chess Championship 2021 may just be the event that kicks off International recognition for ACF Hybrid events to finally be recognized as FIDE Rated.
Organized by the Bangladesh Chess Federation, under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation (ACF) and the International Chess Federation (FIDE), and in cooperation with the FIDE Trainers Commission and Elegant Chess Academy, interested Schools and learning establishments, including chess Academies and Institutes all over ASIA are invited to participate in the Asian Academies Hybrid Chess Championships which is scheduled to be held from 20th to 29th November 2021. With a time control of 60 minutes + 30 seconds per player per game, the 9 rounds swiss team event is catered for 6 players per team separated by age category – U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18. Another 6 players can be included in the team as reserves players – one reserve for each age category. Only 1 round of play per day to accommodate the different time zones for all the countries in ASIA playing in the tournament.
As this is a FIDE Rated Hybrid event, players are required to converge to a common playing venue and play their game online using laptops via TORNELO platform and observed by Local Chief Arbiter and Local Technical Arbiter. In preparing for this event, teams interested to participate in the event are required to set up their own venue such as their own academies or schools, and MCF will – with the help of the Team/Academy/Schools administrator, will identify a suitable Arbiter and Technical Arbiter to oversee the Hybrid Center. Those interested to participate are requested to read the Regulations for the event as provided below.
For now, the cost is to register is expected to be RM 3,000 per team (for 12 players – roughly RM250 per player) which will cover the registration cost and Arbiters cost, and other management cost that MCF needs to bear for the event
While understanding that the cost maybe on the higher side, MCF hopes that interested parties would also evaluate the fact that this cost is considered reasonable considering that it is a FIDE Rated Standard event of International level. Further, comparing to events where players have to be physically present, the cost to travel and accommodation alone will be much higher compared to the Hybrid option.
To find out more about the event, or if you have questions, please write to MCF at mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org to discuss more on the matter.