MCF hereby calls upon interested players (with consent from parents) to apply to participate in the ASIAN SCHOOLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 to be held from 23rd July to 31st July 2021 via the TORNELO Online Chess Playing Platform

Six(6) playing categories are being contested for players below 7 years old, 9 years old, 11 years old, 13 years old, 15 years old and 17 years old. Those who are interested to participate are requested to read and understand the Rules and Regulations for the Championship by downloading the following form/document – CLICK HERE, prior to applying to be part of the National Junior Chess squad. From then on, please click on the FOLLOWING LINK to apply as one of Malaysia’s Junior player to the event.
A processing fees of RM20 needs to be deposited for every application (PERSEKUTUAN CATUR MALAYSIA – CIMB 8000649725) and an additional fees will be imposed as Entry Fees and MCF Management Fees once a player is selected to don the National colors.
Closing date to apply is 8th July 2021 and successful players will be informed no later than 12th July for the necessary paperwork and payment to be completed. Technical meeting for the event will be held on 17th July 2021.
For inquiries, please write to or Whatsapp +6016.466.2542