As of today, six (6) primary schools and four (4) secondary schools have confirmed their participation for the Inter School Team Chess Championship. As the event is still a good 7 weeks away, and the closing date has been set for 26th April 2024, MCF expects the registration will begin to pick up sometime after the Hari Raya festivities are completed.
Whilst most of the entries received are from schools around the Klang Valley, a few schools from Pulau Pinang have also indicated the interest to participate.
MCF would like to remind schools that have registered, and schools that are about to register, that the main players in the line must reflect the type of school that will be participating. In other words, for mixed or coed schools, at least one of the main players must be of the opposite gender. A few coed schools are found to be registering only Boys whereas a Girl player must be included in the main line up.
MCF will continue to check the registrations and where necessary, will request for schools to change their team line up.