National Seniors Chess Championship 2023

The 1st National Seniors Chess Championship 2023 is a new event introduced by the Malaysian Chess Federation to promote continuous interest for the Malaysian Chess Community regardless of age. Further, chess is one of the few sports that competitive players are able to compete at high level tournaments well into their senior years.

The first ever National Seniors event will be hosted by KLCA – Kuala Lumpur Chess Association, and will be held from 7th to 9th November at the KL Chess Academy located in Sri Hartamas. Entry fee is RM90 with the closing date set on 1st November 2023. The 6 rounds event will deploy a time control of 60 minutes + 30 seconds increment but pending the number of participants taking part, the number of rounds and the time control maybe changed to accommodate the numbers.

The age limit to participate in the Seniors Open is 50 years and above, with additional category for those who are 65 years and above.

To register, please go to and bank in the necessary entry fee to the Persatuan Catur Kuala Lumpur bank account.

For more information, please download the following brochures as references.

Come and join our inaugural Seniors event and get the chance to be crowned as our first ever National Senior Masters.