The Malaysian Chess Federation has appointed Malaysia’s most Senior and most experienced Arbiter – IA Abdul Hamid Majid, as its first Chairman for the newly setup Arbiter’s Commission. The Commission was an idea that has been on MCF President’s Akhramsyah plate since he took over at the helm, but was put on hold for some time due to other pressing matters.
As more and more tournaments being organized around the country, and with more and more issues being raised due to Arbiter’s competencies, conduct, behaviors, and overall management of events, the setting up of an Arbiter’s Commission has become increasingly critical. While the scope of work and boundaries of the commission are yet to be set and agreed, it is very likely that the Commission will be placed under the purview of MCF Technical Committee, and MCF President.
In the next few weeks, IA Abd Hamid Majid will start to form the core members of the commission, followed with initial discussion with MCF on the areas that the Commission will be looking at for recommendation and point for improvement.
IA Abd Hamid Majid IA Collin Madhavan
MCF has also agreed to appoint IA Collin Madhavan – another experienced Arbiter and former Malaysian player, with MCF Rating Officer – IA Steven Cheong Kok Love as the Commission’s Secretary. MCF has also named IA/IM Mok Tze Meng to be included in the Commission with additional nominations to be offered to the State Affiliates.