The MCF Rating for April 2024 has been updated with 9 more events rated and updated.
- Saiful Arena Lotus Series 12 – Open event
- Saiful Arena Lotus Series 12 – U12 event
- Saiful Prangin Mall Chess Tournament
- 4th Chung Shan Chess Tournament
- MyStar Chess Tournament – Open event
- MyStar Chess Tournament – U12 event
- Malaysian Chess Championship 2024 – Open event
- Malaysian Chess Championship 2024 – Women event
- Malaysian Chess Championship 2024 – Challenger
Organizers who gave registered for their events in April 2024 for their events to be National Rated but are not listed above, please contact the secretariat for the matter to be resolved. For the May edition, all the events organized by MCF: Interschool, Azerbaijan and NYCC, will all be MCF rated event.

As MCF move to be more progressive and efficient, a new email address has been set up for the Federation to address growing queries that have been swarming the Secretariat. Moving forward, players and those wanting to get in touch with the Federation, can use the new email address aside from the usual email address.
The newly set up MCF Office will also help to manage (and plan) the many upcoming events that has been penned for 2024. With the EAYCC event looming in July – and the highly anticipated PMX trophy in the same month, there have been a lot of inquiries on these events and other events to be organized by the Federation. The Federation also aspires to complete the 2025 Calendar of Events by the 3rd Quarter of this year, and a few events have already been marked with Penang interested to host the Interschool event, Kedah to host the Malaysian Chess Championship, and again, the township of Pontian showing interest to hold the Interstate Chess Championship.
The increase in the numbers of events to be rated Nationally, and the upcoming NYCC and Interstate events have also seen an increase in the number of players participating based on the growing request to sign up for an MCF ID that are required for these events. NYCC hits almost 600 players – the highest number of players signing up since 2017, and Persatuan Catur Pahang is gunning for 50 teams – the highest number of teams in an Interstate event after Perlis had more than 30 teams for last year’s edition. With SUKMA scheduled in August, both events will work as a warmup series for many SUKMA State Team as players for SUKMA must be within the 12 and 21 year old age bracket. More tasks are also in hand towards the end of the year as the Federation prepares the National team for Olympiad, and in most cases, managing the array of Cadets and Junior events that are usually held in the 3rd and 4th Quarter of the calendar year.
The Malaysian Chess Federation would like to thank the players, parents, organizers, local community, supporters, and of course our Affiliates and the many Chess Organizers, for their continued support, cooperation, and understanding in our aspiration to further develop and elevate chess to new heights.
Let us continue to move forward!