Come and sign up to play in our FIDE Rated Blitz event next Saturday, 5th October 2024 at 8:30pm in our MCF office in Seri Kembangan. Entry Fee is RM30 for Rated players and RM40 for Unrated. Total Prize fund of RM700 to be given away. Click on poster to register or click HERE

On the following week, MCF Office will host a Fischerandom event on Saturday, 12th October at 2:30pm and a Bughouse Chess Tournament at 8:30pm on the same day. For Fisherandom or Chess960 event, the prize fund is RM700 with entry fee set at RM35 per player (rated or unrated). For Bughouse ,the entry fee is RM50 per team of two players with a total prize fund of RM600. Aside from prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, we have prizes for the best U12 pair, Best Ladies pair and Best Family pair (siblings, parent/child, husband/wife with at least 2 pairs competing). Click on posted to register or click HERE

Come and join us!