Schools and players taking part in the upcoming MCF – IGBIS National Interschool Chess Championship 2024 have been uploaded onto website. As of today, three(3) schools are yet to update their team line up – Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak (SDAR), SMK Desa Cempaka and SJKT Tun Sambanthan.
A total of 22 Primary schools and 20 Secondary schools from all over Malaysia have sign up for the tournament. MCF can still accept entries from interested school but, entries will incur a late penalty fee of RM100 on top of the Registration fee. No more applications will be entertained after 5th May 2024.

To view the list of schools, please click the following link: for Secondary Schools for Primary Schools
If there are errors in the list of player, school names, or if your school is not listed, please contact mcf secretariat at