All the 31 Teams from 8 States playing in the event, and the 124 players from all over the country, have been uploaded onto
MCF request that all Team Captains and Managers, and those that are involved in the event, to ask all players to check their nicknames/handle ID (categorized as “clubname” in the player’s details) to ensure that it is spelled correctly. A missing space or a wrong character will create a challenge for the system to pair the players on the event day. Please click HERE and find your names from the list to check for your handlename
For correction and adjustment, please contact the Tournament Director, MCF Secretary Najib A Wahab at +6016.338.2542 or email at mcfsecretariat [at]
While 1 or 2 more teams may register for the tournament – as they have promised to participate but have difficulty finding players to commit, the total list of teams playing and the order of the board will not change siginificantly.