Six (6) events were submitted for MCF Rating calculation in the month of December 2023.

For January, only the 2nd Skypark Cerdik Catur Chess Challenge has been registered but MCF is confident that more organizers will get their event to be Nationally rated in the future.
To get an event to be MCF Rated, organizers need to write in to MCF Secretariat to inform their intention. As mentioned previously, there is no fees required to get an event to be MCF Rated but, in order for the Rating to be effective, at least 50% of the players playing in the tournament must have MCF ID. While it is not necessary to get everyone to have an MCF ID, only those with an MCF ID will get a rating while all other players, their rating calculation will be removed once the calculation is done.
MCF targets to hit at least 10,000 registered players before the end of 2024, and since the registration was introduced in 2020, players who have signed up in the earlier months will see that they registration will become invalid soon and would need to renew.
For 2024, there will be plenty of tournaments organized by MCF and its affiliates – local, regional and international, and MCF looks forward to continue its effort to develop and grow chess to a greater heights.