The following are the tentative dates for National Level events that are being planned for 2020. Whilst most of the venues and organizers are yet to be identified, MCF invites and welcomes bids from State Affiliates to organize these events with proposed dates. While MCF, the State Affiliates and the Organizers strive to follow the dates are per mentioned, do anticipate some changes which will be made known to those who are interested to participate in the events.

Efforts were also made to contact the State Affiliates to note their events and the following are the proposed dates for events to be organized . Perlis under the new leadership of YB Noor Amin, has penned down a string of events indicating its desire to be one of the major organizers for 2020

Other notable events for 2020 are as follows:

The following are the tentative dates – as per FIDE websites, for World and ASIAN Level events which MCF hopes to participate especially at the upcoming 44th Chess Olympiad to be held in Moscow Russia in August 2020. As more and more information are available, the calendar will be updated accordingly

While we have only one events listed down for ASIAN Level events, we will continue to update the calendar as and when many of the events are being finalized by the respective countries and ACF – Asian Chess Federation.