FIDE, together with the Romanian Chess Federation, Chess Club Universul, and Chess Club Juniorul Constanta, is inviting all national chess federations of FIDE to participate in the World Youth Chess Championships 2022 to be held from 5th to 17th September 2022 in Mamaia, City of Constanta, Romania.

While the event is open to all youth registering via their respective National Federation, the Organizer will honor one official representative for each age group where the accommodation for the player will be provided by the Organizer. Other non-official representatives/additional players, will have to bear their own accommodation costs in order to participate in the event. All other costs such as registration/event fees, flights and meals, and other expenses are to be borne by the players and accompanying persons – if any, themselves.
The Malaysian Chess Federation is opening applications for all interested youth in Malaysia – one each for the respective age group U14, U16, and U18 (both Open and Girls), to apply as the Official Representative to participate in the event. In total, the organizer has allocated accommodation for 6 official players plus one Trainer/Captain to participate in the event. All other players/additional players will need to arrange for their own accommodation while participating in the event.
For more information, please visit The organizer has also stipulated the cost of accommodation for those in single, double, and/or triple sharing rooms which are quite reasonable and affordable. Alternatively, please refer to the following documentation for more information
Those who would like to apply as the official Malaysian rep, please go to to register your interest and MCF Selection Committee will select the most suitable and qualified player to don our National colors.
The closing date to apply is the 30th of June 2022 and those selected for the event will be informed no later than the 7th of July 2022. All those selected must complete all necessary payments and documentation to MCF by the 12th of July 2022.