FIDE calls upon Cadets and Youth players – ages from Under 8 to Under 18, to participate in the upcoming World Cadet & Youth Chess Championship 2023 to be held in Batumi, Georgia from 5th to 12th June 2023. Organized by the Georgian Chess Federation and FIDE,
Similar to the Zonal event, any players who are interested to participate in the World level event, please read the above Rules and Regulations, and write to MCF informing your intention to do so as all applications must go through the National Federation. We will then provide you with a Registration form to fill which will calculate the cost required for you to enter the event. The estimated cost per person for the eight(8) days event is approximately RM4.5k which includes payment for the entry fee, registration fee, hotel (triple sharing), and MCF admin fee, excluding airfare from KL to Batumi. As there is no direct flight from KL to Batumi, players may need to plan their journey to avoid long overnight stay, unnecessary cost of visa applications, and jet lag. Additional costs – if any, will have to be borne by the players such as added days or changes in the RM-EURO exchange rates.
To ensure that MCF will have adequate time to submit your application, all applications for the World Rapid Cadet and Youth event shall be closed by Friday, 31st March 2023. All forms submission and payments must be completed before this date
Please direct all correspondences/emails to mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org