Malaysia’s campaign in FIDE Online World Cadets & Youth (Under 10-18) Rapid Chess Championships 2020 starts TODAY!

Fourteen Malaysian players – participating in the different age groups at the FIDE World event, will start their campaign when the Asian Zone kicks off its qualifying rounds starting today, Friday, 11th December 2020 at 10:00am Central European Time (5:00pm local Malaysian Time). Two (2) rounds will be played on today, followed by three (3) rounds tomorrow before the qualifying rounds conclude with the final two (2) rounds on Sunday.

Most of the players representing Malaysia qualified from the National Individual Rapid Online event which was organized in October, while a few qualified via the selection event which was conducted earlier in November.

Malaysia representatives that will participating in the Online event are:

Under 10
Open Section   Kavin Mohan
              Anderson Ang Ern Jie
Girls Section  Nur Azzalea Shahril Azahar

Under 12
Open Section   Poh Yu Tian
Girls Section  Lee Xia Sean

Under 14
Open Section   A'qil A'lauddin Bin Abd Aziz
Girls Section  A'dira A'ddawiyah Abd Aziz
Agnes Chong Kai Ni

Under 16
Open Section   FM Lye Lik Zang
              FM Rohan Shan Tze Navaratnam
              Yeoh Yuan Hui
Girls Section  WCM Sim Jia Ru

Under 18

Open Section   CM Tan Jun Ying
Girls Section  WCM Chua Jia-Tien

 The Malaysia Chess Federation wishes all our players the very best of luck and hope that all the players will earned valuable experience and opportunities to expand their chess playing horizon, knowledge and friendship. ALL THE BEST!!!!

#togetherwecan #malaysiaboleh #staysafe #stayathome #kitajagakita

A few of our representatives to the FIDE Cadet & Youth Championship 2020