The Malaysian Chess Federation is pleased to inform everyone that registration for the event shall remain open until Sunday, the 7th of May 2023. As of today, there are 12 players that have confirmed their participation for the Open event, and another 9 players for the Women’s event. The list of players can be found at: (for the Open Section) (for the Women Section)
The following players are requested to complete the payment of RM80 to the MCF bank account at PERSEKUTUAN CATUR MALAYSIA – CIMB 8000649725, before 7th May 2023. Once done, please send the proof of payment to for your name to be listed.

For the Women’s Section, please pay RM40 to the same bank account before the same date. Similarly, once the payment has been completed, please share the proof of payment to confirm your participation.

The 6 rounds tournament will only accept a maximum of 64 players. As mentioned before, this event is for Malaysian Citizens Only and those who are rated above a FIDE Rating of 2000 (for Open) and 1800 (for Women) are invited to join this event Free of Charge.
Prize money will be given away by HE Irfan Davudov, the Azerbaijan Ambassador who will be attending the Closing Ceremony of the event. All players that participated in the event will be invited for light refreshments and snacks in the company of MCF officials and HE the Ambassador.
As was previously reminded, walk-in entries WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.