FIDE, ISF (the International School Sport Federation), and World Chess are inviting schools from all over the world to participate in the FIDE – ISF World School Teams Online Chess Cup 2023, which will take place in March. This exciting event is open to all schools and students from around the world, providing them an opportunity to build networking with peers and friends from all four corners of the world.
The tournament will be divided into two age categories – U15 and U18, and 200 teams from around the world are expected to sign up for this online event. Each team must have between 4 and 7 full-time students studying at the same school as its main criteria to participate.
The medal winners will be rewarded with exclusive team training sessions with leading grandmasters, including the opportunity to be rewarded with collectible chessboards signed GMs, World Chess Masterclasses programs, and FIDE Online Arena premium membership packages. Teams participating in the tournament also need to take note that the tournament will be held online via the FIDE Online Arena platform with the final stage to be broadcasted live on World Chess and FIDE’s YouTube channels.
The registration portal for the tournament at isf.fide.com has opened since the 6th of February 2023 and will remain open until the 11th of March 11, 2023. Please click on the link to register your team.
For more information on the event, please read the bulletin provided by the organizer can be found BY CLICKING HERE
While the schools that are interested to participate in the tournament do not require MCF’s permission to do so – as this is an open event, MCF appreciates your cooperation by writing to us/MCF a short note stating that your school team plans to/or has registered for the event. And if there is a need to request MCF assistance, please contact our secretariat at mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org.
All the best and Good Luck!