Pursuant to the additional players allowed by the Asian Chess Federation (ACF) – as the organizer for the event, to participate in the upcoming Asian Junior Chess Championship, the Malaysian Chess Federation were put to task to select three (3) girls players in addition to the three (3) boys that were selected at the initial phase of the invitation. However, as MCF has also received one (1) initial application from a girl player in the earlier selection round – and was considered as qualified, the second phase of the selection was to select two (2) more players to fill in the remaining spots.
For the first round of application, a total of six (6) players applied to fill the spot and three (3) boys were selected – FM Rohan Shan Tze Navaratnam, Amir Ghaazi Mohd Saprin and Anderson Ang Ern Jie. When the second round of application was opened for the girls, WCM Sim Jia Ru who applied during the first round, was selected in view of her initial application (and qualification), therefore allowing only two (2) more players to be selected to fill up the remaining spots. For the additional players needed for this round, a total of eleven (11) girls had wrote in to MCF to apply and be considered as our National representative.
After evaluating all the submissions received, the MCF Selection Committee and endorsed by the MCF Main Committee, the two (2) additional players that were selected to represent Malaysia to the inaugural event are WCM Goh Jie Yie and Nurul Akma Quzaina Khairolhisal.
The Malaysian Chess Federation would like to congratulate all players that have been selected to represent Malaysia at the first ever Asian Junior Chess Championship (Rapid Online) 2020, and wishes all players all the best in the competition. Make Malaysia Proud!
Boys Team

Girls Team