MCF invites its State Affiliates to nominate one(1) candidate from each affiliate to attend the Arbiter’s Workshop conducted by the ASIAN Chess Federation (ACF) from 24th June to 27th June 2021 to be held Online via Zoom. As there are only 5 seats available, the first 5 states to nominate will be given the seat and the cost for each seat is RM 200 – inclusive of entry fees and MCF fees.

If there are more takers who are interested to join, MCF will appeal to ACF to allow more to join the Seminar but for now, we are limiting to the first five(5) applicants only
Affiliates who would like to send their reps are required to send in an email providing the name of the Arbiter, Title (NA/FA or IA), FIDE ID, email address and phone number to Affiliate can submit more than 1 name but, prioritize who is will be their first choice and so on.
As the dateline to register is tomorrow, affiliates are requested to submit their nominees before 12:00noon tomorrow. Payment will need to be completed once the names have been selected.