79 Junior Players Registered – 1 more week to go!

Its has been an encouraging response to the 1st National Hybrid Online Junior U20 Open and Girls Chess Championship 2020. With one more week to go, 79 participants have confirmed their registration with more to come as this is the usual habit of many chess players – last minute registration.

So far, 10 MCF Hybrid Centers will be hosting 55 players with Chess Hacks in Bukit Jelutong being the most favorite center to have 18 players registered. And with that numbers, there will be no more players accepted to play in Chess Hacks as it is already filled up to the max. Putrajaya is the next favorite Hybrid Center with 8 players registered and according to Firdaus of Persatuan Catur Putrajaya, a few players have come to him to inquire the possibility of playing from his center with the number of players potentially reaching into the mid teens.

With many of its student taking part in the event, MCF has approved SRAI Taman Keramat request to set up an independent Hybrid Center to host its own student, and as of yesterday, has already amassed 25 players at its premise. MCF is also receiving at least 2 more requests from schools to set up their own Hybrid Center due to the number of students eager to participate in the event.

As of today, the following are the names of players who have registered to play, their respective Hybrid Centers and the category players. For those who want to register, the event is open to anyone with or without FIDE Rating/Registration (the Google Form has been corrected) but limited to 10-12 players per center depending on its size. However, MCF may decide to close the registration earlier if the number hit beyond what it can manage.

List of players and their centers for participants to check:

List of Centers involved:

Player’s Category:

For more information, please contact mcfsecretariat@malaysiachess.org.