From 27 to 28th October 2019 a National Arbiters’ Seminar was organized in Sandakan ,Sabah, Malaysia, by the Kelab Catur Sandakano dan Persatuan Catur Sabah under the auspices Malaysian Chess Federation. The venue of the Seminar was Hotel Pavillion in the city of Sandakan, Sabah. The seminar was held in conjunction with the Kejohanan Catur Berpasukan PSKPSS Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2019 and was supported by Sabah Youth and Sport Ministry.
The Lecturer was IA Abd Hamid Abd Majid (MAS), FIDE Lecturer and the Assistant Lecturer was FA Emran Mohd Tamil (MAS).The language of the Seminar was English and Malay.
The closing ceremony is attended by Razali bin Mohd Zinin (Ketua Penolong Setiausaha Kementerian Belia & Sukan Sabah) representing YB Arunarnsin bin Taib Pembantu Menteri Belia Dan Sukan Sabah. Also present in the closing ceremony is representative from JPN Sabah, Tuan Datu Ruslin Datu Siabok (Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan (Bakat) Sektor Pengurusan Murid),Tuan Adli Mahali (Ketua Sektor Pengurusan Murid (Bakat) JPN Sabah) and Tuan Suriyansyah bin Mohd Yunus (PPD Sandakan representative)

Blue shirt : Datu Roslin bin Datu Siabok (Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan ( Bakat), Sektor Pengurusan Murid, JPNS.)
Right En.Adli Mahali, (Ketua Sektor Pengurusan Murid (Bakat) JPN Sabah)
Left En.Suriansah Mohd Yunus (Penyelia Sukan PPD Sandakan)

Forty Four (44) arbiters from Sabah mostly school teachers registered to participated in the Seminar. The following (in alphabetical order) succeed in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures and may apply for NA title after they complete two tournament arbiter experiences and pay MCF RM200 for the NA license. More information on how to apply is available here
Ardian Syah Muming
Abdullah Etong
Ahmad Asyrawi Abd Wahab
Dewi Marliany Mansah
Esongkili Ampat
Ezri Jakaria
Faizal Hasri Hassan
Florante Parinas
Habib Sayyid Azzim Habib Idris
Herman Bahar
Hilyadi Joseph
Jasmi Datu Tumai
Julazzmie Kambutong
Kamal Ismail
Kevin Suresh A/L Ganakuru
Lasahi Abd Latif
Lasim Ulkaya
Magrate Chong Sui Lan
Mahadi Abdullah
Mazira Wahab
Mohamad Noor Mahali
Mohamad Syahril Salim
Mohd Idris Abdullah
Mohd Junaideyn Buasing
Mohd Khazali Mohd Din
Mohd Najib Abu Bakar
Mohd Nasir Md Soon
Mohd Sobrie Lamudin
Muhammad Ridhuan Hanafi
Murul Afiqah Mahyuddin
Nicholas Jinidu Chua Siaw Chiang
Nurul Irsalina Ahmad
Rizuan Shah Alihakatdin
Ron Jimeno
Salmee Saribun
Shahfaisal Lias@Elias
Silvens Siga Silvester
Suraya Ag Mohamad
Tuan Khairul Adhar Tuan Kub
Wan Mahadzir Wan Sulaiman
Zulhimat Taip