Online Chess Camp for U-20 Girls Organized by Asian Chess Federation.

The list of lecturers who will be teaching at the Online Chess Camp is impressive as it includes former World Champion GM Anand Viswanathan, former World No 1 Women Player – GM Jutih Polgar, and GM Jacob Aagard, Chairman of FIDE Trainer’s Commission. Organized by the Asian Chess Federation (ACF), each Federation/Country is invited to send in only one(1) representative to attend this one and only golden opportunity to learn from the best of the best.

An impressive line up of tutors and lecturers who are eager to share their knowledge and experience with the camp participants

Scheduled to be held from 1st August until 20th August, the online camp will cover many interesting topics that will provide participants the opportunities to improve their playing skills while at the same time, enhancing their game understanding.

Malaysian Girl players who are interested to be part of this event are required to send an application via email and stating the following details and send it to, and :

  1. Full Name
  2. Contact Details/Phone Number/Email
  3. FIDE ID (and Rating – Standard/Rapid/Blitz)
  4. NRIC Number
  5. Achievement i.e. Schools, State, National, International
  6. Explain why should MCF choose you?

Incomplete application will not be entertained

Application closing date is 12:00noon on Sunday, 26th July 2020 as names need to be submitted to ACF by 27th July 2020.

For more information on the schedule and agenda that will be discussed and taught at the Online Camp, you can click here to download the information.