As per the announcement made in April 2023, MCF will be distributing almost RM3,000 worth of incentives to 3 organizers who have conducted events using the MCF Rating system. The three (3) organizers are KL Chess Academy, Cerdik Catur Enterprise and Saiful Ahmad/Penang.
Incentives are given based on the number of new players that have signed up for MCF ID (RM5 per player) and the total number of players who has MCF ID in an event (RM100 per event). Previously, MCF requires for organizers to have 100% players with MCF ID in order to earn the RM100 but, due to the support received, event with 95% of players having MCF ID is enough for the organizer to earn the RM100.
With the success of the effort, MCF will continue the initiative until 31st October 2023 to attract more organizers to sign up and use the MCF Rating system. For now, MCF is still short of its 5,000 rated players until end of the year. As of 31st August 2023, the number of players registered in the MCF portal just past the 2,200 mark and with 4 months to go to gather another 2,800 players, the effort will be challenging but doable.
MCF would like to remind everyone that there is no charge for organizers to apply for MCF Rated event. All they have to do is to submit an email informing MCF that they are planning to organize and MCF Rated event, and to submit the completed final TUN file (and ensure that players with MCF ID are indicated as so) within 1 week after the event concludes for the event to be rated. FYI, MCF Rating list can be downloaded from the MCF Rating website.
Come and support our MCF Rating!!