In a short meeting which was chaired by MCF President – Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, the Malaysian Chess Federation has agreed to absorb additional fees to allow for many more Malaysians to participate at next year’s Commonwealth event in Melaka.

Earlier, MCF has already provided a reduced fee of USD60 (from the usual USD110) for Registration Fee for Malaysians to enter in its initial announcement. With many more Malaysians interested to participate but reluctant due to the high rate (event rate follows a standard rate for Continental/World event), MCF has agreed to absorb a further 25% of the fees thereby reducing the Registration and Entry Fee to RM755 for local Malaysians to participate.
Those who have earlier made the full payment of RM1,008 will be entitled for a refund and MCF hopes to be able to settle the amount before the start of the event.
For now, Mauritius have already confirmed their participation with India (and a few of their GMs/WGMs), Singapore, Sri Lanka, Australia, and South Africa already voicing their interest to send contingents.
MCF looks forward to many more Malaysians and International participants to take part in the event in our aspiration to excel chess to a greater heights in 2024.