As of 31st August 2024, the total number of players that has registered with the Federation is calculated at 3,902 which includes 50 new registration in July and another 88 new registration in August.
Based on the list, there are 2,509 players that have obtained a Rating whilst another 1,392 players are still UnRated. From the same breakdown of players who already have rating, 2,340 players are rated 1600 and below, another 157 are rated 2000 and below, 9 players are rated 2200 and below, and 3 players are rated 2400 and below. There is no players in the MCF Rating list who is above 2400.
MCF still deploys a floor rating of 1000 and uses primarily the FIDE Rapid Rating (adjusted to match) and only refer to the FIDE Standard Rating when there is no Rapid Rating available. As opposed to FIDE Rating, MCF Rating only requires for a player to play one rated game to earn an MCF Rating point. However, if the rating goes below the floor rating of 1000, then the player will be considered as Unrated and will have to start all over again to earn his/her rating.
As of 31st August 2024, there were 131 events that have been classified as MCF Rated compared to only 51 events for the same period last year. For 2023, there were 93 events that were classified as MCF Rated. While MCF have been the main contributor in organizing National Rated events, MCF would like to extend its thanks to Saiful Asyraf Chess Organizer from Penang and Zamri’s CMC Chess from Selangor as these are the two main organizers that have contributed to the use of MCF Rating for their events. Persatuan Catur Negeri Melaka led by Muhammad Khairy Jansar and MCF CIO Iwan Schani Ibnu are a few honorable mentions that have also helped to popularize the use of MCF Rating system.

The list of top players in Malaysia based on MCF Rating for Men and Women are as follows: