The first ever KBS Masters Games 2024 – showcasing 11 sports with Chess as one of the activity selected at the inaugural edition, is set to clock off at 9:00am on Friday, 22nd of November 2024. Those who are interested to view the games or meet and support the players are invited to visit the Main Banquet Hall located on the 2nd Floor of Block CASA 4, within the National Sports Council Complex compound at Bukit Jalil – next to the Stadium.

The KBS Masters Games is an effort by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) and National Sports Council (MSN) to attract Malaysians who are 40 years and above to participate in sporting events and competition. With SUKMA targeting those between the ages of 12 years and 21 years old, KBS Masters Games took the challenge to the older age group and the selection of sporting events that are offered is based on the attractiveness of the sport itself.
As of the closing date, there are 34 players who have signed up for the event from all over Malaysia with 29 players playing in the Rapid event and 27 players in the Blitz event. Rapid event is played over 9 rounds with 4 rounds on Friday and the remaining 5 rounds to be played in Saturday followed by the Prize Giving ceremony. For the Blitz event, all 11 rounds will be played on Sunday morning followed by the Prize Giving Ceremony at about 2:00pm.
Although the number of players did not achieve the desired target, MSN and MCF agreed that the inaugural edition provide insights that can be improved for future editions in order to attract many more chess players to participate. The choices of playing in many other events during the same weekend have also provided additional challenges in getting the players to participate. While the impact of players in the above 40 years age bracket may be minimal, their involvement in their children’s participation at other events may have distracted them to commit in the KBS Masters Games.
Those who have signed up for the event, can check their names by clicking the following link:
For Rapid event:
For Blitz event:
Players can skip the Registration Confirmation process if their name is listed in the link above, or thos who do not have any issues with their registration such name error or category error. Those who have signed up but are not listed, please contact the organizer via Whatsapp at +6011.6262.4377
Opening Ceremony is scheduled at 4:30pm on Thursday, 21st of November 2024 which will be officiated by YB Minister Puan Hannah Yeoh. The organizer will also prepare an internet link which will be shared later for those who are interested to follow the games.