FIDE Chess Events for Year 2019

MCF would like to draw the kind attention of Malaysian Chess Players on the FIDE Chess Events for year 2019 as tabulated below.

Players whom are interested and eligible as per description in respective event’s regulations may write in their application for MCF consideration.


  1. All players that are eligible in accordance to respective event’s regulations may submit their application.
  2. Player may write in their application to .
  3. If approved by MCF, nominal processing fee will be charged to Official Players, Additional Players, Accompany Person, etc.
  4. As and when necessary and appropriate, MCF will exercise the right to decide the Official Players.
  5. MCF will appoint Head of Delegate should there is a need.
  6. Registration for events with (#) has expired and the organizer may charge penalty fee for late entry. MCF will assist to appeal to the organizer for the waiver. MCF would like to apologize for inconvenience cause.
  7. Players may refer to Event’s Regulation through the link

MCF Selection Committee
Yeoh Chin Seng ( +6012-619 9816 )